Wondering if Lean is For You?
Ask yourself the following:
- Did your company meet its profitability goals last year?
Have you significantly improved your value from your customers' point of view?
Do you have a plan to exceed your productivity goals for the upcoming year?
Do you have the expertise & resources to succeed?
If your answer to any or all of the above is "No" - your business needs to get Lean.
- Has your business felt the impact of recession?
Are you experiencing reduction in funds, increasing customer expectation, growing demand for services, or inflexible resources and skills combination?
Do you want satisfied customers and increased profitability?
Do you want to reduce cycle time, administrative costs, and unnecessary cost generating points?
If your answer to any or all of the above is "Yes" - your organization needs to get Lean.
H4M Lean Inc. associates have the Lean expertise, managerial & corporate leadership background and breadth of industry experience to guide your business or organization into a growing, thriving, Lean enterprise.